3 - 4 Year Class
This is our 3- 4 year-old class. To meet the increasing learning ability of the 3-year-olds, our schedule becomes more defined. The classroom is set up in learning centers which includes a block center, science/math center, art center, reading center, fine motor activities, and a group learning area. The schedule includes time for free play where the children have a chance to rotate among the different activities. They also have outdoor play and circle time activities. The primary focus of this curriculum is to develop cooperative interactions with adults and peers, improve communication skills and introduce pre-academic skills.
Children build vocabulary by discussing stories being read and begin to understand simple directions. Teachers encourage independence as children learn to verbalize wants and needs. They will also learn about taking turns. Children play toy instruments, create multi-sensory art, and engage in pretend play. Children begin to explore number sets, experiment with textures, sort by colors and build reasoning skills. Children develop ball handling and body movement skills and their ability