We offer a full day kindergarten program following the California State educational standards. The curriculum includes Language Arts (Reading and Writing), Math, Science and Social Studies to prepare students to enter first grade in public school. Before and after-school care, and snacks will be provided, as well as dance and music classes.
The class size is limited to nine children (public school kindergarten typically has 18-25 students per class), so the students receive more personal instruction.
What we try teaching and what you can expect your children to begin and continue learning during their kindergarten year:
Basics of Self-Control
Accepting responsibility by doing chores
Keeping to a schedule
Listening to directions
Waiting my turn
Saying please and thank you
Things They Need to Know
Name (first & last)
Age, phone number, address
Names and relations of family members
Point to and name different objects and colors
How to use bathroom without help
Write their first names
Count to twenty, pick out individual numbers
Say the alphabet, pick out some individual letters
Motor Skills
Walk, run, and jump
Hop on one foot, balance on one foot
Throw and catch a ball
Turn water faucets on and off
How to hold a pencil or crayon with thumb and fingers
Put simple puzzles together
Reading Readiness
Listen when someone reads to children
Know which way to turn the pages
Look at pictures and pick out the details
Remember parts of a story read to them
Speak in complete sentences
Ask relevant questions
Basic of self control
Things they need to know
Motor skills
Reading readiness